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- Calf Kandi Mineral Tub
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Calf Kandi Mineral Tub
MODEL #NN940094
SKU #mp-00017054
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Cattle Kandi™ is the SweetPro® Stage of Growth cattle product typically used for stock calves (600-700 lbs) when they go out to pasture in the spring or fall. Cattle Kandi can also be used on backgrounding calves in a dry lot situation where they are being fed a high roughage ration. Cattle Kandi is also a good option for yearlings and cows grazing abundant lush forages. When utilizing the SweetPro Stage of Growth Consumption Program, Cattle Kandi is positioned between Starter and SweetPro 16. If consumption on Starter consistently exceeds 1.25 lbs per head per day, transition to Cattle Kandi to bring intake back into 0.75 to 1.25 lbs per head per day. If consumption on Cattle Kandi consistently exceeds 1.25 lbs per head per day, transition to SweetPro 16 to bring intake back into 0.75 to 1.25 lbs per head per day. Cattle Kandi contains a complete vitamin and organic trace mineral package, our proprietary yeast culture and prebiotic blend ProBiotein® and all the benefits of SweetPro’s fermented blend of condensed distillers solubles and distillers dried grains with solubles.
- no starch, sugar, molasses
- improve forage utilization
- best return on investment
Length | 48.00 in |
Width | 48.00 in |
Height | 24.00 in |
Net Weight | 900.00 lb |
Gross Weight | 900.00 lb |
Volume | 55296.00 cu in |